Advancement Bureau



Which one is more Important Business or Education?

Firstly let me conclude that education is essential to business itself. WHY?

According to Oxford dictionary;

What's Education?
Education is a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in school, colleges or Universities, to improve knowledge and develop skills.

What's business?
Business is the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money synonym commerce, trade.

From the Definitions above, it can be deduced that business is the acts of buying and selling which involves calculation, communication as well as production. while Education involves Training, and learning as well as skills development.

With all these above terminologies, it's important to note that having Education is essential to business. However, Business Education

It's when one is fully grounded or educated about a business before they can have it run smoothly.

Employees and the employer as well needs business-related skills for the smooth running of their day to day activities in production, buying, selling, transporting, fund management and so on.

A lot of people have the believe that education is NOTHING on the long run, so they venture into business without having knowledge about what it entails or attached to it, this kind of scenario contributes to lot of foldup businesses.

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