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Find Out Who The First Father Medicine Was.


Imhotep (A True Father of Medicine)

Imhotep means ‘he that comes in peace’. Born in 27th century BCE, Ancient Kemet (Now Egypt), Imhotep was no only a physician but also an architect, astrologer, scribe, politician and priest.

He is a renowned scholar and contributed greatly to African civilization. Apart from Amenhotep, he is the only other Egyptian to be deified. Imhotep was practicing medicine and writing on the subject more than 2000 years before Hippocrates was born, Hippocrates studied his work in Ancient Egypt as a scholar.

Although Hippocrates is considered by many to be the father of Medicine, he is not really the first doctor in history (although his contribution is undeniable). That honor would fall to the Egyptian scholar Imhotep.

Though, the step pyramid is considered his greatest achievement, he is also remembered for his medical treatises, where he considers that diseases and injuries are of natural origin rather than punishments sent by the gods or caused by spirits or curses.